Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The newest Fox Weekend List 2010

Here's what we're going for:

1. Bury drainage pipe along house
2. Build two window boxes for courtyard in back
3. Prime and paint Becky's room
4. Prime and paint bathroom
5. Paint 4 window boxes purple
6. Cut down dead tree by garage
7. Install ceiling fans in kids rooms

If there's time:

  • Plant succulunts in window boxes. Install new ones first?
  • Plant grasses in courtyard.
  • Clean up garden by back fence.
  • Trim trees in front and back.
Sorry no hot tub this year!

Needed equipment:

  • chainsaw for dead tree
  • Shovels
  • Wheelbarrows

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sprague's 2010 Work Weekend List (in progress)

Here is our potential list for 2010
  1. Add landscaping border to the back yard
  2. Add landscaping
  3. Barkmulch landscape areas around house
  4. Build a raised garden (pending wife approval)
  5. Plant said garden (if approved)
  6. Fix drawers in Zach's Dresser
  7. Create a 4 legged friend containment area
  8. Stain bathroom door
  9. Touch up paint in the kitchen
  10. Hang railing for stairs
  11. Fix fireplace (patch concrete and fix pull chain)
  12. etc, etc, etc